Tuesday 5 June 2012

A Drug Rehab Program Makes Recovery Easier

Recovery from drug addiction can be very challenging and because of this, a drug rehab program provides someone the best chance at recovery. Admission to a drug rehab can and will provide a person the opportunity to break their denial and begin to figure out why they have continued to use drugs and alcohol despite negative consequences. It is almost impossible for someone to overcome their drug addiction or alcohol addiction is they remain in denial of their problem.
A drug rehab program employs a clinical staff whose responsibility it is to teach the person various tools they can use to learn to better manage their emotions. Two of these emotions anger and depression are two of the contributing factors to drug abuse, alcohol abuse and drug addiction. It only stands to reason that when an individual can better mange those feelings, their chances of recovery and avoiding relapse are that much better.
In addition to learning how to better manage ones feelings, a stay in drug rehab or alcohol rehab will assist the person to grow spiritually and physically. Any quality drug rehab will provide the person with healthy, nutritional meals to offset the poor nutritional values they adopted during their drug addiction and alcohol addiction. Generally a healthy eating plan is developed for each patient in the drug rehab that will assist them in their recovery.
From a spiritual perspective, during everyone's drug addiction or alcohol addiction principals were compromised, values were thrown to the wind and you have come to the point where if you had spiritual beliefs prior to your drug addiction, they were gone now. Most addiction treatment or drug rehab programs help each person address their spiritual void. This is accomplished in a variety of ways and each drug rehab is different. The point is, healing one's spiritual life, also takes place in drug rehab.
As we mentioned the physical aspect of recovery, I would be remis if I didn't take a moment to talk about drug detox or alcohol detox. This is a crucial time in any stay in drug rehab. Detox is when you discontinue your drug abuse or alcohol abuse in a medically monitored setting. The drug rehab generally has medications dispensed to mange any withdrawal symptoms you may experience. Detox in any drug rehab is not easy, but a person can be made to feel comfortable.It is important that any detox unit have 24 hour nursing and is licensed in the state in which it operates and carries with it an accreditation from the Joint Accreditation of Healthcare Orginizations. This means that the drug rehab and detox is operating by the highest standards this industry has to offer.
The terms drug rehab and alcohol rehab are essentially the same thing. The addiction treatment services are the same, detox services are the same, the only difference is the words drug rehab and alcohol rehab.

Drug Rehabs - The Battle Against Addiction

Drug addiction is undoubtedly one of the great tragedies of our society. Drug abuse is claiming lives by the thousands. For those who do survive drug addiction, there is a never-ending struggle to remain whole.
Drug abuse was once considered the plague of youthful indiscretion. Times have changed, however, and being no respecter of persons, the drug culture has spread its tentacles into all levels of society and every age group.
According to Mayo Clinic statistics, 19.5 million people over the age of 12 use illegal drugs in the United States. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that actual costs related to drug abuse in the United States is nearing $200 billion annually.
Most drug users do not have the will power necessary to sever ties with addictive drugs and those who sell them. The consequences of drug abuse are devastating, leaving a legacy of death and ruined lives. Thousands upon thousands of former drug users owe their lives to the effectiveness of good drug rehabilitation programs.
Drug addiction is not limited to the use of illegal street drugs. Countless numbers are caught in the snare of prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications that are easily purchased in pharmacies throughout our country.
Fortunately, drug addiction is a curable condition, meaning there is hope for every person who commits to making the changes necessary for successful rehabilitation. The uphill battle is long and hard and is often characterized by periods of success followed by periods of failure.
Rehabilitation needs to be done safely and under the supervision of qualified medical and psychological professionals. This is where effective drug rehab programs come into play.
The whole concept behind drug rehab is for the patient to put an end to a lifestyle of substance abuse and to live once again in the freedom of a drug-free environment. It is about stopping the pain caused by drug abuse to both the user and those who are part of his inner circle. It is also about reclaiming a life lost in the mire of drug addiction. Rehab is essential because without it the person addicted can never deal head on with the root cause.
There is more to drug rehabs than simply setting a person free from the shackles of dependency. Some of the issues that must be faced include lifestyle, social patterns, peer pressure, stress, history of drug addiction in the family and a person's overall health, to name a few. There are always underlying issues that have contributed to addiction in the first place. Qualified rehab counselors will leave no stone unturned to expose those issues that affect healing.
Drug rehab is often a long and tedious process. That is because of the complexity of drug addiction. Some addicts are successful in cleaning up their life. Others are not. In every case, however, an effective drug rehab environment is one that provides everything necessary for successful recovery. Depending on the severity of addiction, a drug addict can expect a 30 to 90-day stay at a rehab facility.
The purpose of drug rehab is primarily three-pronged. Drug rehab aims to help one stop the use of drugs, to live a drug-free life, to become a productive family member, and to become a productive member of society. That, of course, requires intensive, long-term care.
The benefits of drug rehabs are seen on primarily three fronts; physical, mental and emotional. That is because these three are the areas of a life most affected by drug abuse.
One can easily understand the fact that drug abuse causes serious physical damage. Drug abuse also causes us to lose touch with reality, or our emotional being. It is a fact that many choose the slippery road of drug abuse to disguise certain emotions.
Drugs are just as harmful to our mental being. Drug abusers do not think as clearly as they once did. Their powers of reason are severely hampered, and they often can't think their way through even the smallest problem.
Here are some benefits we can attribute to drug rehab programs:
  • Provides a solid foundation for making the necessary changes in your life.
  • Provides both medical and emotional support to the addicted.
  • Helps one face the demons in his life that are creating a dependency on drugs.
  • Provides a safe place and means for withdrawing from drugs.
  • Paves the way for physical, mental and emotional wellness.
  • Provides the means by which one can realize his full potential.
  • Paves the way for healing broken relationships.
There are also numerous benefits to society at large, such as reduced health care costs, higher production in industry because of fewer lost work days, etc.
It is only through a qualified drug rehab program that an addict can become whole again. For anyone who wants to break the chain of bondage to drugs, it is important they choose the proper program. It is your very life that is at stake and one should never settle for less than the best.
Because not all drug rehab programs are created equally, selecting the correct program can be extremely confusing. How does one evaluate a drug rehab program?
First of all obtain statistics regarding the success rate of each program. One should also inquire about the qualifications of the various professionals who will be involved in your healing. Ask questions about the facilities' rehab philosophy.
You will also want to know if the rehab program is medically based. Does the rehab center offer program options?
Don't forget to investigate whether or not members of your family will obtain professional help as part of the healing process. After all, they too have been severely affected by drug abuse. Be sure to ask questions about cost, and find out what is included and what is not included for that price.
Another crucial detail is whether the facility offers a continuing care program that will be available once your rehab term is completed. The fact that one has come through a rehab program is no guarantee against relapse. At the very least, temptation will raise its ugly head time and time again. It is expedient to know you are not on your own and that help is close at hand.
Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a comprehensive and innovative provider of drug addiction treatment for teens as well as adults. Providing drug rehab treatment since the 1990's, they are well-equipped, caring and compassionate in dealing with sensitive addiction issues.

Teen Drug Rehab - How to Make an Informed Decision

There are over 1 million teenagers who are dependent on illegal drugs. There is a nearly equal number that are alcohol-dependent. Not all of these teens need inpatient care or teen drug rehab. But to avoid that, two things need to be achieved: a total cessation of substance abuse and a demonstrated among the teen's family of open and improving ability to talk about the problem and find solutions.
But that's easier said than done. And, if you are the parent of that teen, what should you do if your doctor recommends inpatient teen drug rehab?
The good news is that there is an upside to this kind of recommendation. Most kids -- nearly 75% -- who need teen drug rehab never receive it. So look at the recommendation not as something to be dreaded. Look at it as an opportunity, a "wake-up call," that you can address to help your child.
So feel good that your son or daughter has an opportunity to get the teen drug rehab that they need. And by helping them sooner rather than later, their brain and their psyche (which is still forming and maturing) will improve greatly. This will improve their quality of life far into adulthood.
So how can you make an informed decision about teen drug rehab that works and is affordable?
First of all, get multiple referrals or recommendations for teen drug rehab from your doctor. Then scan the websites of these facilities. Even the most basic info is useful at this stage:
  • Where are they located? Location is most critical because you are not going to simply drop off your child and go away. It is imperative that you play an important role in your teen's drug rehab. You must plan to visit your child on a regular basis. Not only that: many teen drug rehab facilities will not accept your teen in the first place unless you commit to participating actively in their recovery. Later on, your child will be OK'd to spend weekends in your home -- as recovery warrants it. So find a facility that is close to home.
  • How much do they charge? Take an active role in finding out all the costs involved, whether or not you have insurance coverage for teen drug rehab or not. Knowing all the costs helps you make informed comparisons between one facility and another. Also, it will help you better understand what is likely to be covered by insurance and/or Medicaid. Also, be aware that some programs facilitate your getting aid that will cover the difference between what is covered by insurance and what is not. So ask about what is available in the way of financial assistance.
  • What kind of accreditation does the facility have? Look for a facility to be accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) or equivalent body. You should not consider a teen drug rehab facility that is not accredited. Also inquire about licensing. Ask if the facility is licensed by the state, e.g., the Dept. of Health.
  • What is their treatment philosophy? Does the facility treat people of all ages together? Or are teens kept separate? Research indicates that teen drug rehab has a higher rate of success if the adolescent patients are strictly separated from adult patients.What about the 12-step model: does the facility subscribe to that? If so, be aware that there is a spiritual component to this kind of treatment. Are you sure your child is receptive to that? If not, it could have a negative impact on their recovery. Find out if there is an alternative offered.Will there be allowances made for the educational needs your teen will have? Just because your child is in teen drug rehab doesn't mean their education should be sacrificed.What about their emotional needs? Is there psychological therapy offered? How often would your child meet with a therapist? What kind of goals would this therapy have?What kind of parental participation is encouraged? Is there a regular "Family Day?" Does the teen drug rehab facility provide support and encouragement for the entire family?
  • How long will treatment last? Find out how long the average residential treatment stay might last. Obviously this will depend on the facility -- and your child. Is it measured in weeks or months? You'll also want to find out how many teens are typically being treated at any one time. Regarding group therapy, how big are the groups? What sorts of rules does the teen drug rehab facility have -- specifically, what rules (if broken) are grounds for being dismissed from the facility?You may also want to ask about the availability of aftercare, i.e., what kind of support does the facility offer after your child leaves the inpatient program? This is perhaps most crucial of all in determining your teen's long-term success. It is customary for there to be at least 12 months of active involvement by your teen in the form of outpatient therapy, both one-on-one and in a group setting. Again, this is another reason to pick a teen drug rehab facility near your home.
  • What is involved in the admission process? This is when your teen will be evaluated for the severity of their condition and for the most appropriate level of treatment necessary. Sometimes this involves your child undergoing psychological and/or medical testing. In addition, some basic decisions will be made about your child's level of treatment, e.g., outpatient, partial hospitalization, etc. Stay involved -- find out what steps are followed in this phase. This includes finding out what all the costs are (e.g., charges for urine screening, etc.) and determining what your insurance carrier will cover.
  • Who is on staff? What qualifies the staff at the teen drug rehab facility to work there? What education level, background experience level, etc. Does the facility have medical personnel on hand in case of personal injury? How many staff are there in relation to the patients? Is the rate of turnover high or low?Do you feel comfortable with the demographic make-up of the staff on hand? Are they sensitive to cultural diversity?

Other important considerationsIf this hasn't been made clear up to this point, you need to visit the teen drug rehab facilities that are on your short list before you make your decision.
All the photographs in the world, all the websites, might help you narrow your choices down, but in the end you need to be on site to make a final decision. And look at the facility the way your child might look at it too.
Some things to look for:
  • Is the facility well maintained?
  • Are there places for residents to go and remain active when the weather is bad?
  • How do the meals look?
  • How do the interactions between adults and teens seem? Observe the activities during an entire day, if you can.
  • Are classrooms well stocked?
Perhaps most important of all: Contact the parents of teens who have graduated from the facility. Invest some time in speaking with them about how it went. There are some difficult questions you need to ask, but it is worth it. For example: did their child suffer a relapse after leaving the teen drug rehab facility?Summary
If you have to pick a teen drug rehab facility for your child, it will not be an easy choice for many reasons. You will need to spend some time doing it and educating yourself about drug abuse. But it is worth it because it will help your teen make a faster -- and longer lasting -- recovery.

Holistic Drug Rehab - A Beginner's Guide

Drug addiction affects the entire range of human experience -- both the physical body and the emotional being. That said, too many drug rehab facilities simply pay attention to part of the problem: the physical effects of drug abuse. But the truth is that -- for drug rehab to be successful -- you must deal with the whole spectrum of issues as they are in reality. This is what holistic drug rehab offers. Holistic drug rehab is all about addressing all the causes of drug abuse. And this is why the popularity of holistic holistic drug rehab has been on the upswing.
In holistic drug rehab, your mind and soul are treated equally with your body. This involves proper nutrition, spiritual counseling and even learning simple meditation techniques. By attacking all the possible causes of addiction, success is achieved more quickly, effectively and the results last longer. In many cases, addicts begin to feel real relief within a few days of beginning holistic drug rehab.
Make no mistake: these sorts of approaches need to be grounded in objective science in order to be successful. Any holistic drug rehab program should include physician and nursing care on a 24/7 basis. In addition, there should be an abundance of accessibility to professional psychologists.
But holistic drug rehab also often includes subsidiary treatment protocols including massage therapy, and treatment by acupuncture physicians and herbalists. Many holistic drug rehab programs focus on pain management without relying on prescription drugs which are often addicting themselves.
When these approaches are applied in an organized way, the net benefit can be very cleansing and effective. Holistic drug rehab is a way to help addicts attain an inner peace that they may not ever have felt before.
Too many drug rehab facilities try a "one size fits all" approach, applying their own ideologies on their patients. These drug rehab facilities impose a framework rather than simply applying a broad spectrum of treatment in battle against addiction. In contrast to this, holistic drug rehab looks at the entire range of symptoms and then applies treatment where necessary.

Residential Drug Rehab - How to Make an Informed Decision

Someone you love is a drug abuser and that's hard to accept. But what may be harder for you to deal with is that they need to undergo drug rehab. All sorts of decisions must be made. How do you start? How do you proceed? Who can you talk to? The hardest part seems to be that you don't even know what the right questions are to ask. You feel hopeless and overwhelmed. It's best, at times like these, that you remember that what you want is have your loved one come back to you. You want them to be drug-free and living a meaningful life. By seeing things in this light, you can gain the motivation to move ahead.
The first and most important step is knowing how to make an informed decision about choosing the best residential drug rehab facility. In other words, before you can get answers, you need to ask the right questions:
What is the success rate of the residential drug rehab facility?
When making an informed decision, get real. Base your decision on talks with actual graduates of the program. The more of them you can talk to the better. What you're looking for is real-world experience.
What sorts of methods does the residential drug rehab facility use?
Do they take a holistic approach? In other words are they dealing with the entire range of emotional, physical and even spiritual factors of your loved one? That's important -- the more avenues of therapy the better. Realize that drug addiction happens because lots of different things have gone wrong.  A drug addict's life is a jumble of bad decisions, bad habits, bad health and an unwillingness or inability to face down their problems.  For your loved one to succeed at drug rehab, the program has to attack all the sources of their problem.
What additional sorts of services does the residential drug rehab facility provide?
For example, will they help you stage an intervention if necessary? Can you look to them for legal assistance?
Who is on staff at the residential drug rehab facility?
What you want are professionals with lots of experience specifically in the area of substance abuse and all the related problems that come with it.  You want people with a track record, not just an advanced degree. Take some time and get to know them -- and ask the hard questions, e.g., "what is your reason for working in this discipline?" You are looking for dedicated people -- not people taking up space.
Is there a planned program of follow-up as part of the residential drug rehab program?
You want to know that there is a caring attitude about making sure the patient -- your loved one -- will succeed once they leave the facility.  A good program will have a structured approach to staying in touch and staying relevant in the life of the patient after they graduate.
Where is the residential drug rehab facility located?
You're looking for two things here: security and convenience. Sometimes it's difficult to get both, but it is important. First of all, a residential drug rehab center should be secure. You don't want your loved one simply to stroll away on a whim. Fact is, the temptation is there. So you want to know that the facility has a plan to keep them in the program. Second, you want a facility that is convenient to where you live. You will most likely be relied upon to provide in-person visits to your loved one. So you want a facility that is nearby your home to make it easy to visit when necessary and appropriate.
How long does the residential drug rehab program take to show results?
It is customary for programs to last a month or so. However, if the facility has a longer program that will probably offer your loved one a better chance at success. Even better: if the facility has the wherewithal to let your loved one work through the program at their own pace, without an eye on the calendar.
What is the cost of the residential drug rehab program?
Don't simply cross a facility off the list because it is too expensive. Look at the price in conjunction with the services offered. In that way you can better judge the value to you of the facility.  Of course it is true that the more the facility offers, the more it will cost. But you loved one will have a much better chance of succeeding if get the best and most complete program of treatment.
Picking a residential drug rehab facility is not easy, if for no other reason than you will probably be doing it for the first (and only) time in your life. But if you break it down into a series of smaller tasks and write down the right questions to answer, you will have a much better chance of making an informed decision.